
Herman Cain warns media not to ‘stalk’ his family

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Herman Cain on Tuesday again denied new accusations of sexual misconduct by a Chicago woman, calling the claims of Sharon Bialek “absolutely ridiculous.”

“I can categorically say I have never acted inappropriately with anyone. Period,” Cain said in an interview with ABC News and Yahoo! “As far as these latest charges, I don’t even remember -- I reject all of those charges. How can I defend charges when I don’t remember this person by name?”

Cain is expected to answer more questions about the charges at an afternoon news conference in Arizona. He said in the interview that one of his messages will be to leave his family out of the mess.

“I know journalists and the media have a job to do, and they are professional at it. They have to get the story. But I will get very indignant if they continue to stalk my family,” he said.

Cain said, as he did in an interview with ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Monday night, that his wife did not believe Bialek’s claims. Asked if his wife would take those views public and take part in interviews, Cain said she would largely stay out of the media spotlight.

“I’m going to keep her out of all this. She is going to do some public interviews when it’s the right time and when she’s ready,” he said. “She knows I can speak up for myself.”

Speaking earlier with ABC News and Yahoo!, GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney called the charges against Cain “serious,” and said, “They’re going to have to be addressed seriously.”

“I don’t want to suppose truth or lack of truth. I just think it’s important to recognize that a number of women have come forward with concerns; this woman’s charges are particularly disturbing and they’re serious,” he said.

Cain said he agreed with Romney.

“They are disturbing to me. They are serious. I have taken them seriously,” he said. “I’m not initiating this. If there was some basis to this, yes, pass judgment on me. But what I’m saying is, they are serious, but there’s absolutely no basis to them.”
