
<b>Who’s who:</b> Blue-ribbon commission

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The Los Angeles County Citizens’ Commission on Jail Violence issued a final report Friday finding “a persistent pattern” of unreasonable force” in the Sheriff’s Department’s jails and blaming Sheriff Lee Baca’s leadership. The commission, which was created by the Board of Supervisors, is made up of the following seven members:

Lourdes G. Baird, a former state and federal court judge who served as U.S. Attorney in Los Angeles from 1990 to 1992.

The Rev. Cecil L. “Chip” Murray, former pastor of First African Methodist Episcopal Church, one of the most prominent African American churches in Los Angeles, and a senior fellow of USC’s Center for Religion and Civic Culture.


Robert C. Bonner, a former federal court judge and U.S. attorney in Los Angeles who headed the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration from 1990 to 1993.

Alex Busansky, president of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency, an Oakland-based nonprofit, and a former attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice who prosecuted law enforcement officers for excessive force.

Jim McDonnell, chief of the Long Beach Police Department and former second-in-command at the Los Angeles Police Department.


Carlos R. Moreno, a former California Supreme Court justice who has also served as a federal court judge.

Dickran M. Tevrizian Jr., a former state and federal court judge who now works as a private mediator.

Source: Los Angeles County Citizens’ Commission on Jail Violence
