
Forget a business scholarship; she has a knack for PR

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Cal State L.A. volunteer Linda Trevillian chanced upon a scholarship application from a business administration major who sounded as though her focus was really public relations. The applicant wrote that her major was “business admiration.”


Political fixture: While some lawmakers have used taxpayer funds to finance extravagant lifestyles, such is not the case with one L.A. city councilman (see photo). At least that was the impression Peter Frey got when he recently drove by the office of a councilman who appeared to lack indoor plumbing.


Another reason to be bilingual: David Veal of Santa Clarita noticed a newspaper ad that contained a better deal for those who can read Spanish (see accompanying).



No butts about it: On EBay, Michelle DeGaetano read about an offering of lace by a homeowner who has strict rules for her pets (see accompanying).


Stupid criminal tricks: The Coastal View News of Carpinteria speculated that an intruder who smashed the window of a parked car changed his priorities after he got inside, perhaps because the smashing part didn’t work out so smoothly. The only thing stolen from the car was a first-aid kit.

The owner’s wallet, in the slot on the driver’s side door, was left behind.


Heavy metal action: The Daily Nexus of UC Santa Barbara reported that a woman was arrested in Isla Vista after conking a longtime male acquaintance over the head with a frying pan. The woman, who was intoxicated, was transported to the Santa Barbara County Jail, where, the newspaper quipped, “she was booked, pending her agreement to replace all kitchenware with paper and plastic equivalents.”



Grass-roots tips: As you’ve probably read, several indoor marijuana farms have been discovered at respectable-looking residences in L.A. County in recent weeks. Which raises a question: How can you tell if your neighbor has a pot factory behind closed doors? Here are the Top Five clues:

* Your neighbor never invites you over for dinner.

* He occasionally knocks at your door and asks if he can borrow 100 gallons of water.

* His gardeners work indoors.

* The only magazine he subscribes to is High Times.

* He often orders takeout -- from Baskin-Robbins and Krispy Kreme.


miscelLAny: The latest wonder of the Internet age was advertised on the back of a van spotted by David Boone of L.A. (see photo). I’m no techie, and the laundry offer seems outlandish to me, but I’m willing to try. I just don’t see how I can squeeze a dress shirt into my disc drive.


Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LATIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A. 90012, and by e-mail at
