
Jerry Brown recalls attempted break-ins at Oakland, Sacramento homes

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SACRAMENTO -In his first public appearance since returning from China last week, Gov. Jerry Brown spoke to a group of crime victims on the Capitol steps, and shared some of his own recent experiences with the state’s criminal element.

Brown said he has been the victim of two recent burglary attempts, one at his home in Oakland last year and one at his downtown Sacramento loft just a few days ago.

Speaking to a crowd of about 200 people carrying pictures of murdered family members on a warm, sunny Sacramento day, Brown said a man was apprehended “on my balcony trying to break in. Luckily I wasn’t home.”


In remarks to reporters later, the governor gave more details. “A guy got up to the roof, got on to the balcony and was trying to break in and one of my neighbors called the police,” he said. “He was arrested and I think he’s out on his own recognizance.

The Sacramento Police Department reported an incident at 9:35 p.m. Sunday night on Brown’s block when witnesses “called in a suspicious subject. Officers arrived, contacted and identified the subject. He was later arrested for prowling.”

In a separate incident, Brown recalled, “about a year ago, my wife was alone and three gentlemen show up about 1 [a.m.] trying to break in. The California Highway Patrol “came to the scene and held them for 40 minutes and they said they were looking to buy real estate in the neighborhood.”



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