
U.S. sees evidence of Lebanon coup plot

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Times Staff Writer

In an unusual statement, the Bush administration charged Wednesday that there was “mounting evidence” that Iran, Syria and the militant group Hezbollah were trying to engineer the overthrow of the elected government of Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora.

American officials said they had evidence that the two countries were trying to help create a new “unity” government that would give greater influence to their Hezbollah allies.

They contended that Syria was also trying to block legislation that directed Lebanese cooperation with an international tribunal investigating the slaying of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Syrian officials have been implicated in the February 2005 attack.


But U.S. officials declined to provide details, saying they could not disclose information from intelligence sources. Sean McCormack, the chief State Department spokesman, said there were “strictures” on what he could say because “we collect a lot of information I can’t talk about.”

He said Hezbollah chief Sheik Hassan Nasrallah recently warned in a speech that “the Siniora government take certain steps or Nasrallah and his compatriots would see that it falls.”

Hezbollah officials have been pressing for Shiite Muslim parties to be given control of eight Cabinet ministries, up from five, to better reflect their share of Lebanese support. Hezbollah has also called for mass demonstrations to press for a unity Cabinet that would give Islamic militants and their allies vetoes over key decisions.


McCormack also noted that Emile Lahoud, the pro-Syria president of Lebanon, had spoken about taking steps to block formation of the tribunal to bring Hariri’s killers to justice.

McCormack said that the administration had put out its statement to show its support for the Siniora government and to make clear that “we, as well as others, are watching closely.”

At the same time, he insisted that “we’re not going to interfere in Lebanon’s domestic politics.”


In Beirut, Hezbollah spokesman Hussein Rahal said on Al Arabiya television that the U.S. statement was “just one more American interference in Lebanese affairs” designed to prop up the Siniora government.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John R. Bolton have warned Syria and Iran in recent days not to interfere in Lebanese affairs. In an interview with the Lebanese Broadcasting Corp. on Oct. 26, Rice said that Lebanon had a history of intimidation and assassinations and “we’ve heard that there are people who’d like to intimidate or assassinate again.” She offered no details.

The Siniora government has worked closely with Washington, which hopes Siniora’s team can help limit Hezbollah’s influence. The Shiite Muslim militant group waged war with Israel during the summer.

The Jerusalem Post speculated Wednesday that mock raids by Israeli fighter jets over Hezbollah strongholds Tuesday were “an unveiled warning to Nasrallah” not to restock the militant group’s arsenal.

Israeli officials have said the military will conduct periodic flights over Lebanon until Hezbollah returns two Israeli troops captured during the summer and international forces take adequate steps to prevent Hezbollah from rearming.

The U.S. is providing political and economic support to the Lebanese government as well as aid to train the weak military.


Yet the popularity of the United States in Lebanon has diminished because of perceived U.S. support for Israel in the summer war, limiting the Bush administration’s ability to influence events in the country.

David Schenker, a former Pentagon official now at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said the “trend in Lebanon is really troubling.... There’s an overwhelming array of forces against the Siniora camp. It’s going to be hard to beat them back.”
