
Letters: Sassing smokers

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Re “Confronting smokers with a whiff of whimsy,” July 9

There was a time when rules and laws meant something. But, in the words of the Virginia Slims cigarette ad slogan, “You’ve come a long way, baby.” Yes, we certainly have, but in the wrong direction.

An avalanche of legal rights has washed over Americans, generating attitudes infested with the stench of inconsideration and entitlement. These days the unwilling public is humored or coddled, as exemplified by those “sassy” signs in Glendale imploring noncompliant residents not to smoke in parks or on trails.


I run the trails leading up from Brand Park in Glendale, where signs declare that smoking is forbidden. Nevertheless, the park is littered with cigarette butts.

So yes, I’m sure that sassy sign, produced by Glendale’s most creative minds, will do the trick.

Michael E. White




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