
Letters: A presidential debate debate

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Re “Romney gains momentum with smooth shift to center,” News Analysis, Oct. 4

Mitt Romney came well prepared to the first debate and President Obama seemed to be dealing with a curious attack of “sea legs,” although there’s been much chatter about Big Bird. (Is that what Americans took away from the debate, Big Bird?)

Romney and Obama are both well-educated, very bright professionals. Both have well-thought-out political philosophies. I could live with either as president, since I find neither phenomenal nor unacceptable.


I think it boils down to this: What is the proper role of government? What do we want? That is much more important for all of us to decide than who becomes president. We all know that “they” work for “us,” and if we have anything to gripe about it’s only because “they” have been doing pretty much what “we” have been asking them to do.

Arthur G. Saginian

Santa Clarita


Earlier this week, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie predicted that Romney’s performance during the first presidential debate would be a game-changer. He assured voters that Romney’s campaign would be completely rebooted.

A similar outcome occurred in 2004, when challenger John Kerry tore into George W. Bush. President Bush regrouped and did better in the next debates.

The 2012 race for the White House is far from over. Based on Wednesday’s performances, I’m guessing that Romney, Christie and their fellow Republicans are now saying “Game on.”


Denny Freidenrich

Laguna Beach

Throughout the Republican primary season and beyond, Romney took hard conservative stances to gain the nomination. He supported Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget plan, which is an assault on Medicare and Social Security. He promised to overturn Obamacare upon assuming the presidency. He is against a women’s right to choose, has insulted 47% of our fellow citizens and has promised to roll back regulations that protect us.

But at the debate, Romney seemed so sincere while taking stances that contradict what he has been saying for all these months. So what is he, confused or just a flip-flopper?

Judith Leytus

Granada Hills


No one should have expected Romney to begin being consistent with his views. Unfortunately, Obama abdicated any chance of controlling the narrative when he failed to challenge his opponent, and he will have to live with the consequences.

Jesse Albert

Los Angeles

Obama has been contrasting his vision and his policies with those of George W. Bush for the last few years, including during Wednesday’s debate. He needs to refocus and

debate the real challenger, Romney.

James Regan



Summary of the first debate: Romney does the big shake of his campaign Etch A Sketch.

Curtis Loer

San Diego

