
Martin Sheen joins Medicare fight with anti-GOP ad [video]

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“The West Wing” hasn’t aired a new episode in years, but actor Martin Sheen still delivers that TV president’s punch in a new ad against the GOP’s plans to change Medicare.

The Democratic-run effort is part of the budget battle playing out in Congress this week – and the campaign trail in the months to come – as the House GOP prepares to double-down on a proposal to dramatically alter the health program from seniors.

“What is their goal?” asks Sheen, speaking intently into the camera. “Simply to sacrifice Medicare in order to give tax cuts to special interests. That is not the America I was raised to love. When times get tough, we share the sacrifice. It’s time to step up for our America and every American.”

The Medicare proposal is sure to be a campaign theme this fall. The blueprint from Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the Budget Committee chairman, and Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon, would give the next generation of seniors a fixed sum to apply to their healthcare costs – either to purchase a Medicare-like policy or a private insurance option.

Supporters say the proposal would help to rein in rising healthcare costs by capping the federal government’s outlays on the Medicare program. But critics say the stipend from the government may not fully cover the costs, requiring seniors to shell out more for their care.

Mitt Romney has signaled his support for the GOP approach, inserting it squarely into the Republican party’s brand.

The ad from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee comes as its GOP counterparts portray Democrats as refusing to tackle the problems of rising Medicare costs.

See the ad in its entirety below.

Original source: Martin Sheen joins Medicare fight with anti-GOP ad [video]
