
Mitt Romney campaign raised $12.6 million in March

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Mitt Romney raised nearly $12.6 million in March, his campaign announced today, marking his best fundraising month so far in this election season.

Romney slightly outpaced his February haul of $11.5 million and ended March with nearly $10.1 million in cash on hand -- almost $3 million more than at the end of February.

In all, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee has pulled in $87 million in the last year. The campaign said he has no debt and has not made any personal loans to the campaign.


“Mitt Romney’s continued strong fundraising shows that voters across the country are tired of the failures from President Obama,” said campaign finance chairman Spencer Zwick in a statement. “We will continue the hard work to raise the necessary funds to defeat President Obama and change the direction of the country.”

Obama, whose reelection effort pulled in $53 million in March, maintains a significant financial edge over Romney, thanks to the incumbent’s ability to raise money with the Democratic National Committee and affiliated committees.

Through last month, Romney donors were limited to giving $2,500 to the campaign in the primary; they can give another $2,500 for the general election. But with the recent establishment of “Romney Victory,” a joint fundraising venture with the Republican National Committee and four state-based entities, Romney too can now solicit five-figure checks. The New York Times reported this week that the Romney camp hopes to raise a total of $800 million by election day.


Original source: Mitt Romney campaign raised $12.6 million in March
