
Letters: Transgender students’ rights

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Re “The rights of transgender students,” Editorial, Dec. 23

I agree that we do not need an initiative to roll back the reforms that make it possible for transgender students to use the school bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond to their gender identity.

However, the extension of transgender rights to permit biological males who are gender-identity females to compete in girls’ sports makes no sense. The reason sports are segregated by sex is because of the real biological differences that put females athletically competing with males at a disadvantage. I do not believe that biological females who are sufficiently talented should be excluded from men’s competitions, but a biological male, even if a psychological female, cannot fairly be permitted to compete against women.

The reason for the segregation of sports is biology, not prejudice.

Cyril Barnert


Los Angeles

I agree in principle that students should not face discrimination at school (or anywhere else) because of gender identity.

But I can’t help but wonder whose boneheaded idea it was to allow kids no privacy in bathrooms or locker rooms. Is it supposed to be character-building, or are we just cheap?


It’s not weird to be uncomfortable with performing various bodily functions in public, regardless of the gender of the audience.

Call me a prude, but why don’t we give all students the right to personal privacy by investing in a few more stalls and some shower curtains?

Joanne Zirretta


Aliso Viejo


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