
Readers React: Solution for the splintered Republican Party: Split up

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To the editor: Jonah Goldberg does not acknowledge that the main reason conservatives are at odds with each other is because of their incoherent philosophy. (“This time, the conservative crackup is real,” Opinion, Jan. 26)

They say they are for cutting government spending, except when military funds flow into certain congressional districts. They maintain they want to protect the life of the unborn but remain silent when schoolchildren are victims of mass killings. They speak of fixing the economy by cutting taxes for the wealthy, not the middle class.

And lastly, they boast of their courage but cower from Rush Limbaugh and other talk show hosts.


This is not a philosophy; it is a hodgepodge of political jargon put forth by people who are out of touch with the electorate.

Mike Lockridge, Mission Viejo


To the editor: Goldberg’s analysis of the conflicts dividing the Republican Party is spot on. Still, he appears to have overlooked an obvious solution to the problem: Simply allow the party to split.


The two new parties — to be named the Tea Party and the Corporate Party, perhaps — can then spend the next few decades keeping each other out of power, leaving the politically uninteresting task of running the U.S. government to responsible adults.

Jeremy Friesner, Pasadena

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