
Readers React: L.A.’s 72-hour parking rule is already too generous

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To the editor: One reason for not extending Los Angeles’ 72-hour limit on cars parked on the street is because the current rule actually translates into a minimum of seven days. (“Extend the three-day parking limit in L.A.,” editorial, April 5)

I can’t notify the city until a car has been parked in front of my home for three days. After registering a complaint, an officer may appear the following day, then another 72 hours must elapse before the vehicle is ticketed. Another 24 hours pass prior to towing.

I’ve lived in my current neighborhood in the Fairfax district for about five years and have had this happen to me twice. Once the culprit left a dilapidated, broken-down vehicle; the second time it was a BMW belonging to a couple who were outraged that I would complain about their vehicle taking up the space that is required for my trash bins for two consecutive trash pick-up days.


I am not in favor of free parking for anyone who chooses to leave a vehicle sitting in front of my house for week or two.

Susann Buzoff, Los Angeles


To the editor: Your idea of extending the 72-hour parking limit doesn’t take into account the abuses businesses make by parking their commercial vehicles on our streets, keeping others from finding or using off-street parking.


Have you seen the ugly and offensive “nude maids” vans parked on our streets? Have you lived on a street with a truck and equipment rental company using the streets as overflow parking?

Your simple answer to this complex problem serves only to stir up emotions. A more carefully planned and applied parking system that allows for some instances of longer-term parking yet addresses real abuses is what you should have focused on.

Barry Weiss, Studio City



To the editor: Ah, life on the Westside.

I recently reported an abandoned car on my street in Northridge. Ten days later I dialed 311 and was put through to the parking enforcement supervisor.

I told her that the car’s tires had yet to be marked. She responded that the city’s parking enforcement receives hundreds of calls a day, and I should be patient. She also told me that the vehicle wasn’t being cited on street-sweeping days because street sweeping (and thus parking enforcement) has been “suspended.”

That’s how we roll in Northridge

Bob Demetrion, Northridge

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