
Readers React: Let ‘Game of Thrones’ fans have their fun

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To the editor: In a breathtaking display of academic cynicism, Jeffrey Sconce managed with his op-ed article to confess his utter disregard for the vast realm of the unconscious mind, the power and importance of myth and their imprint on all aspects of civilization. (“‘Game of Thrones’? More like waste of time,” Opinion, April 22)

From Joseph Campbell — who inspired George Lucas to write “Star Wars” with his “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” — and Carl Jung’s penetrating insight into archetypes and their profound impact on our psyche, fanciful and creative storytelling arose, confounding and inspiring millions.

“Game of Thrones,” “Star Wars” and the immensely popular shows Sconce dismisses as “a waste of time” actually perpetuate this inspiration, where a hero goes on an adventure, wins a victory in a crisis and returns home totally transformed.


Sconce’s piece is a stark reminder that every “expert” and “teacher” must always be questioned as we strive to reach for the magical talisman, the golden key and the path to enlightenment and liberation.

Mark Mawrence, Santa Monica


To the editor: Sconce has clearly been indoctrinated by academia with the belief that any literature even faintly smelling of fantasy or science fiction must automatically be classified as puerile, juvenile trash. If the writing and acting are good, and the plot is compelling, why should he care whether the subjects of a televised drama are mobsters, politicians, doctors, or denizens of a mythological kingdom?


Sconce tries to hide it beneath a thin veil of half-hearted snarky humor, but his genuine outrage and loathing over the popularity of the series “Game of Thrones” is obvious. For some reason The Times has given him a quarter of a page on which to vent his spleen.

After all, though he professes contempt for the notion of imaginary beasts, what is he but an over-educated troll?

Matt Frey, Sierra Madre


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