
Readers React: With TV blackout, these Dodger fans might not come back

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To the editor: As a season ticket holder since 1980, I am sad to report that current Dodgers ownership is plumbing the depths formerly reserved for Frank McCourt. (“Dodgers aren’t doing enough to end broadcast blackout,” Column, June 24)

Speaking of whom, remember when Dodgers ownership tried to deceive the fans about whether there was a continuing business relationship with McCourt? Then, as facts dribbled out from other sources, Guggenheim Partners’ credibility diminished accordingly.

A similar thing has happened with many fans regarding the TV deal. At first the ownership’s reaction was a collective shrug; there was nothing they could do. Then, as some suggested what the Dodgers could do, more trust eroded.


Now, everyone knows that the Dodgers could lessen the economic burden on Time Warner Cable. In return, the Dodgers could get a commitment from Time Warner to lower its prices (or change its terms) to other TV providers so all Dodgers fans could see their team.

Until this happens, no amount of Clayton Kershaw no-hitters will be able to maintain fan loyalty.

Edward J. Costello, Santa Monica



To the editor: I have listened to Vin Scully all my life. I have put up with all the bad player trades and contracts. I have weathered the News Corp. and McCourt ownerships.

What Time Warner and Guggenheim are doing by denying Scully’s play by play on TV to most L.A.-area fans is unconscionable. The Dodgers are dead to me.

William Ballas, Burbank



To the editor: Scully is getting on in years and may not broadcast for much longer. When he leaves, many of us will vow never to purchase any Time Warner service.

And you can take that to the bank. Hear that, Comcast?

Sam Gilbert, Marina del Rey
