
Readers React: Kudos to Carlsbad vaccine documentary filmmakers


To the editor: Bravo to the courageous students at Carlsbad High for their film on vaccines. We should be proud of these scholars and not be condemning them. (“Student filmmakers find themselves drawn into the vaccine/autism fray,” July 20)

The anti-vaccine crowd, the Holocaust deniers and the flat-Earthers have a major belief set in common. It can best be described as “I know what I know, so don’t confuse me with the facts.”

I wonder what the parents who are needlessly terrified of immunization and refuse vaccines for their children will do when their kids get whooping cough or measles. Maybe they are not even aware that children do indeed die or suffer lifelong effects from these diseases.


How sad to be so ignorant.

Jerry Lasnik, Thousand Oaks

To the editor: Contrast the Rialto eighth-graders assigned to write about Holocaust denialism with the older Carlsbad students who prepared a movie on vaccines, only to be attacked by anti-vaccinators.

Critical thinking is rare in our society and not easily taught. It does not mean quick peeks at Internet essays and voting for the one that pleases you. It requires questioning and some back-and-forth dialogue.

For example, how can you say that “The Diary of Anne Frank” was written with a ballpoint pen? (The original is on display in Amsterdam.) How can you say that vaccination doesn’t cause autism? (Show me the data.)

Few Internet opinions are evidence-based. The Rialto schools underestimated this problem, while the Carlsbad students seem to have taken an active approach. They stuck to their guns even when attacked.

As a pediatric neurologist interested in autism and vaccination, I support them.

S. Robert Snodgrass, MD, Pasadena



To the editor: My congratulations to the students who made this movie. They embody journalism at its best, by following the story where it went instead of beginning with the conclusion they wanted and cherry-picking their facts.

I admire their determination to not be beholden to the local Rotary. The fact they went on their own and came to the right conclusion makes their story all the more credible.

As for the anti-vaccination people, once again they’ve followed the bully playbook. I hope they’re proud of their attempts to smear the makers of this film. And I’m praying for the health of their children.

Tom Allain, La Jolla
