
Readers React: Where did Metro get the idea not to install locked gates?

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To the editor: The Los Angeles County Metro opened its rail network with an “honor” system of fare collection, and many Blue and Expo line stations have no turnstiles. I have used subways in Chicago, New York, Beijing and Europe, and the people there would laugh if you suggested an honor system. (“So how many people are actually paying to ride?,” July 28)

Every city that has a subway or light-rail system seems to be able to figure out how to make fare evasion more difficult. Los Angeles has newer stations than most cities, so it seems that Metro just decided not to learn from other systems.

Can I please get paid to do a study as to why there is a lot of fare evasion? Apparently, Metro is still dithering about this. I’ll even throw in advice on constructing barriers and turnstiles.


Margaret Norman, Manhattan Beach


To the editor: My husband and I ventured out on our first light-rail ride several months ago, taking two grandchildren downtown from the Westside. As experienced public transit riders in many cities, we expected this new system to be user-friendly. We were wrong.

After missing the first train while trying to figure out how to buy tickets, we used the help line available at the station. The attendant who responded to our call served only to confuse us further. We ended up paying in excess for tickets for ourselves and purchasing an unnecessary ticket for the youngest child.


Even though we had overpaid for our round-trips, we found our TAP cards depleted (too many taps?) when we tried to go home. We did not feel that we were fare jumping when we boarded the train without paying again.

Why didn’t Metro implement the best practices of existing mass transit ticketing systems instead of creating this muddle?

Renée Dernburg, Los Angeles



To the editor: Metro professes uncertainty about something every regular rider knows: Fare evasion is rampant.

As a regular (paying) rider, I often see as many free riders as paying customers. Random, infrequent spot checks by sheriff’s deputies are ineffective, in part because officers often let violators off with a warning rather than a citation.

If Metro is serious about closing the ridership-revenue gap, it needs to advocate for routine, vigorous enforcement of the rules, which would also cut down on black market sales, eating and drinking (including alcohol), loud music and other routine rule violations that riders endure daily in frustrated silence.

Dave Neumann, Long Beach


To the editor: My friends and I ride the Metro Red Line from North Hollywood for each L.A. Kings home game at Staples Center.

We have experienced problems tapping our cards to pay for the transfer to the Blue or Expo line at the 7th Street/Metro Center station and at the Pico stop. The validators are slow to respond, not easily visible and are few in number to accommodate the crush of people during peak hours.


I believe installing more validators, better signage and deploying more Metro personnel to assist commuters would increase revenue. A frequent sheriff presence checking TAP cards is also effective and adds a sense of security.

Catherine Rodgers, Valley Glen
