
Readers React: Gazans learn a lesson: Elections have consequences

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To the editor: Ahdaf Soueif closes her article with the statement that we must do everything we can to heal the terrible wound inflicted on the Gaza Strip. (“Dead Palestinian children in Gaza tell story of impunity,” Op-Ed, July 31)

Will this healing happen when Hamas violates a cease-fire? Will this healing take place when writers like Soueif talk about lands that have been stolen and imply that Palestinians cannot recognize Israel as a “Jewish state”?

Less than 10 years ago, Israel disengaged from Gaza. There was no occupation and there was no blockade. Later, Palestinians handed Hamas an electoral victory; Hamas’ actions since then have led to the violence we see today.


Without recognition of Israel by Hamas, there can be no peace or even meaningful cease-fires. As a U.S. Supreme Court justice once said, elections have consequences.

Norman Redlich, Woodland Hills


To the editor: To the editor: Reading much of the coverage on the latest Israel-Gaza conflict, one would think the whole problem in Gaza would be solved by demilitarizing it. Soueif, by contrast, provides a real solution: ending the blockade and the occupation.


We must stop this killing spree and give Palestinians their freedom. I say “we” because Americans supply both weapons and money to Israel.

When will the United States join the rabbis in Washington who are crying “Not in my name”?

Martha Stevens, Studio City


To the editor: Soueif says that Arabs in a Jewish state would be second-class citizens.

How can she then be OK with the dozens of countries that are Islamic or Roman Catholic? What about the Church of England in Britain, headed by the queen? What about all the other countries that officially recognize a faith?


The key is equal rights for all, but Soueif assumes that Israel does not have equal rights. Perhaps she should acquaint herself with the Arab judge on the Israeli Supreme Court, the 12 Arab members of Israel’s parliament, the country’s many Arab medical and legal practitioners or even the hotel and restaurant workers. All of them receive equitable compensation and benefits and have the same rights as all other Israelis.

Unfortunately, Arab apologists need not be bothered with aligning what they say with the facts.

Gary Dalin, Venice
