
Readers React: What did Israel gain from its action against Hamas? Plenty.

An Israeli infantry soldier hugs a colleague after leaving the Gaza Strip.
An Israeli infantry soldier hugs a colleague after leaving the Gaza Strip.
(Atef Safadi / EPA)
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To the editor: Israel not only destroyed most of Hamas’ terrorist tunnels from the Gaza Strip, it also exposed them for all the world to see. Israel now has increased credibility when it says, “This is why we blockade Gaza and deny them the import of concrete and other items that they can and do use for military purposes.” (“As Israel and Hamas claim victory, Gaza residents ask what was gained,” Aug. 5)

Of the estimated 10,000 rockets and missiles Hamas had before the latest conflict, two-thirds no longer exist. With the help of the current Egyptian government, those weapons will be hard or impossible to replace. Importantly, other Mideast countries such as Saudi Arabia have quietly supported Israel over an Islamic opponent. The conflict further exposed Hamas’ use of human shields, and clear-thinking people around the world now understand that those who condemn Israel for killing civilians are actually encouraging, if not condoning, the use of human shields, not just by Hamas but by other radical groups.

Finally, those same clear-thinking people can now see why it is useless for Israel to try to negotiate with Hamas, and by extension, why it is useless for any of us to try to negotiate with radical Islamist groups.


I’d say Israel and the world gained quite a bit.

P.J. Gendell, Beverly Hills


To the editor: Both sides gained some verification of their stories. The Gazans gained worldwide publicity for their plight, resumption of some international funding and the benefit of exposing Israel’s criminality.


Sadly, people on both sides lost lives, security and peace of mind.

There is but one solution to the conflict, and that is to achieve justice for the Palestinian Arabs. The road to justice — which peace will surely follow — is an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians to end the occupation and build a Palestinian state alongside Israel.

That was the United Nations’ vision when it passed the partition resolution in 1947. It is past time for that to happen.

As Americans we have major culpability for justice and peace not emerging. Our unconditional support of Israel enables it to avoid justice and peace and to take over more and more Palestinian land.


Richard Herman, Costa Mesa


To the editor: Though disheartened, I wasn’t surprised to read that a Palestinian boy your story describes as being no more than 4 years old uttered the words “May God take vengeance upon Israel!”

There is no question that this conflict has taken a toll on both sides, but hate is not an innate feeling; it is learned.

Over the last few weeks, the intricate and sophisticated tunnel infrastructure Hamas built to help destroy Israel has been uncovered. Through its actions, it is clear that this militant group will go to any length to extinguish Israel’s existence, even at the expense of its own people.

When Hamas starts to focus more of its energy on improving the lives of the Palestinian people versus the destruction of Israel, perhaps then there can be a light at the end of this tunnel (pun intended) — and the next generation of children won’t learn to detest Israel.

Laurie Kamras, Los Angeles



To the editor: The Times’ front-page headlines on Wednesday said it all: “Gunman kills U.S. general in Afghanistan” next to “‘What did anyone gain?’”

Kim Hadjhamou, Huntington Beach
