
Readers React: Spare terminally ill Californians more suffering and pass the ‘right to die’ bill

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To the editor: In 2001, my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer that had spread to her nervous system. Even the morphine the doctors provided could not stop the pain. (“Legislature’s action on ‘right to die’ bill is fair and square,” Aug. 23)

She died in agony after three horrific months. God forgive me, I didn’t have the courage to give her an overdose.

The continued opposition to the “right to die” bill suggests the Catholic Church wants you to die like my mother did. What’s that, you say, you’re not Catholic? The church doesn’t care. It expects you to conform to its version of morality.


As for me, I wouldn’t let an animal suffer the way my mother did.

Mark Spiegel, Torrance


To the editor: As a single mother, former police sergeant and trial attorney facing a horrible and painful death from Stage 4 lung cancer within the next three months, I feel that my situation warrants the exigency of using a special legislative session to pass the End of Life Option Act soon.

I cannot wait for relief through a ballot measure or until the Legislature’s next regular session. My palliative care and pain management doctors agree that they may not be able to take away my pain at death.


I deserve the End of Life Option Act now.

Christy O’Donnell, Valencia

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