
Readers React: Are Americans capable of boycotting the NFL?

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To the editor: The only way the NFL will change on the issue of domestic violence is if fans boycott games. (“Apologetic, defiant Goodell vows NFL changes, but many still critical,” Sept. 19)

Of course, that will never happen. Physical brutality is the very nature of the game, and we are still living in a culture of aggression that supports and even glorifies gun ownership, war and winning at any price.

Perhaps we all need to take a hard look at our values.

Kathy Welsh, Claremont



To the editor: In thinking about all the people sitting in jail right now waiting to go to court and plead their cases, I wonder how many will evoke the “Goodell defense strategy,” which goes like this:

I made a bad mistake, and I am going to do better in the future. Can I go home now?

Rob Macfarlane, Newport Beach

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