
Readers React:  Naloxone: the overdose-fighting wonder drug

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To the editor: The article describes a small decrease in prescription pill overdoses coupled with a significant increase in heroin overdoses. This is an unintended consequence of attempts to restrict opioid prescriptions in an effort to curb overdoses. (“As Rx deaths dip, heroin overdoses surge,” Oct. 15)

But restricting access to a drug isn’t drug treatment. As the report shows, people who use prescription opioids often switch to heroin as a result of restricted access to pills. What people need to know is that heroin use carries an increased risk of accidental overdose due to toxic impurities and unpredictable potency.

Instead of trying to prevent all drug use, why not focus on using naloxone to prevent overdoses that unintentionally result from drug use?


Through change in public policies, naloxone can be made more accessible. It is inexpensive, safe, easy to use — and it is a lifesaving medication.

Chloe Blalock, Long Beach

The writer is the overdose prevention program coordinator for Homeless Health Care Los Angeles.


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