
Readers React: Joe Biden is too honest and compassionate for the presidency

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To the editor: Vice President Joe Biden strikes me as such an elegant man, a politician with compassion and authenticity. No doubt he would be a splendid choice to lead the nation. (“Grief over son kept Joe Biden and family from committing to longtime aspiration to presidency,” Oct. 21)

But I cannot help but think that there is something greater for his experience and clout worldwide, and his decision not to run for president allows him to pursue that. His energy might best be put to use serving humanitarian causes unconstrained by politics.

The pope cannot do it all, and our wonderful Jimmy Carter seems destined for another place. With one possible exception, I feel reluctant to describe any of the declared presidential candidates the same way.


Rick Button, Pasadena


To the editor: I am pleased that Biden has decided not to run.

I believe that he is responsible for Clarence Thomas’ elevation to the Supreme Court in 1991. As Senate Judiciary Committee chairman at the time, Biden allowed law professor Anita Hill to be treated appallingly.

Biden refused to call witnesses to collaborate Hill’s allegations of sexual harassment by Thomas. His questioning of her bordered on condescension, and his deferential demeanor toward Thomas was unctuous. He failed to take the issue of sexual harassment seriously, and he failed in his role as chairman to explore all the facts.


As a result, we now have Justice Thomas, the least qualified jurist on our Supreme Court.

Although Biden is revered for his folksy demeanor and how he responded to terrible tragedies in his life, he is no leader.

Joan Gosewisch, Encinitas

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