
Readers React: Statewide high-capacity gun magazine ban would improve safety

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To the editor: Columnist George Skelton asked Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom how his proposal to ban the possession of large-capacity magazines in California would be enforced. I have an answer: Enforcement will actually be much easier when possession of large-capacity magazines is finally banned statewide. (“Gavin Newsom sets his sights on a well-armed foe: the gun lobby,” Oct. 22)

Enforcement is difficult now because the state left a loophole in the law when it banned purchase, importation and manufacture — but not possession — 15 years ago. It is virtually impossible for law enforcement officers to distinguish illegally acquired magazines from those acquired before the state law’s enactment. Consequently, prosecution is difficult even when a police officer encounters a person with a backpack full of 30-round magazines.

I authored the possession ban in Los Angeles to give law enforcement another tool to get these deadly devices off the streets and make us safer. I’m glad someone in Sacramento is listening and taking a proactive stand against violence in our communities.


Paul Krekorian, Los Angeles

The writer is a member of the Los Angeles City Council.

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