
Dog fighting is considered unacceptable. So why isn’t bullfighting?

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To the editor: Thank you for your compassionate article regarding the senseless torture and killing of bulls for entertainment. (“Now can we stop bullfights?” editorial, July 12)

It disappoints and angers me that human beings find this so-called sport enjoyable. All I see is a man who is a coward and a bully, taunting the bull until it is exhausted and then ceremoniously and slowly stabbing the poor defenseless creature so that he dies slowly for the money-paying public.

If this disgusting display featured the beloved dog, man’s best friend, it would surely have been outlawed years ago. Just because animals aren’t furry and cute does not mean we have the right to inflict this type of sadistic suffering on them.


Laura Frisk, Encinitas


To the editor: Bullfighting is indeed a brutal and anachronistic sport, but calling for an end to it should not be an excuse for closing our eyes to the lot of the much larger number of animals that end up on our dinner plate.

Apart from the last few minutes of their lives, fighting bulls lead a pampered life. The animals we eat spend their entire lives in deplorable circumstances, and when a reporter brings these to light, laws are passed making it a felony to film on those “farms,” creating a safe haven for animal abuse.


We choose to ignore the wretched lives of the large number of animals we eat and soothe our conscience by calling for an end to bullfights in other countries.

Alfred Verstreken, Santa Maria

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