
Opinion: 104 wins, 103 degrees, $882 seats: numbers that set this World Series apart

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To the editor: Reading the various accounts regarding the cost of attending a 2017 World Series game at Dodger Stadium certainly reflects the changes in our society, and not for the better. (“At $882 a seat, Dodger Stadium is L.A.’s most expensive real estate as World Series begins,” Oct. 24)

My mother was a rabid Dodger fan, and as a 25-year-old on a limited income, I could afford to take her to Game 3 of the 1965 World Series. My ticket tells me that I sat on Aisle 162, Box F, Seat 7. The total cost? $12.

For sure, in today’s world my mother would have been sitting home watching the tube and only wishing she was there. (By the way, my souvenir program cost me 50 cents.)


David B. Housh, Glendora


To the editor: On Tuesday, our Dodgers started Game 1 of the 2017 World Series in 103-degree heat. (“Dodgers are red hot and rolling through postseason with blistering Game 1 win,” Oct. 24)

It’s clear that we can no longer outrun the reality of devastating climate change. With the 2028 Olympics in our hometown, now is the opportunity to “follow the sun” (our Olympic slogan).


There is no reason we can’t make every Olympic venue solar powered and get a jump start on transitioning to the future in which we are the first mega city in the world entirely powered by renewable energy.

I call upon City Hall and the Olympics organizing committee to move us forward to a better and greener future. As always, California can lead the way. We here in L.A. have an opportunity to create a more positive, healthful, smog-free, beautiful and more equitable city and one in which future generations can grow and thrive in a truly green environment.

Jill Wright-Boyd, Los Angeles


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