
Opinion: Impeach Trump? Readers were talking about that long ago

President Trump speaks during the lighting of the National Christmas Tree in Washington on Nov. 30.
President Trump speaks during the lighting of the National Christmas Tree in Washington on Nov. 30.
(Jim Watson / AFP/Getty Images)
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Months ago, many of our letter writers arrived at a conclusion that the typically more cautious professional commentariat seems to be moving toward now: Congress may have to remove President Trump from office (or at least lawmakers should be talking seriously about it).

This week, readers’ calls for censure or impeachment intensified amid what has been, even by Trump’s standards, an unusual several days for the president. What set them off was Trump’s sharing of anti-Muslim tweets by a far-right British group and, slightly less so, questions over how the societal reckoning over sexual harassment and assault should affect a president who has been accused of improper behavior by more than a dozen women.

Anaheim Hills resident Arabinda Nandi recaps Trump’s busy week:


Let us list Trump’s major accomplishments over the last week:

Whether it’s now time to initiate impeachment proceedings or not, it’s definitely time for it to become an election issue.

— Ron Garber, Duarte

  • He picked a fight with British Prime Minister Theresa May by implying she should not comment on his sharing of anti-Muslim tweets from England and taunting her over Islamic terrorism in her country.
  • He sabotaged an important meeting on government funding with Democratic congressional leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi by tweeting beforehand that he didn’t see a deal coming.
  • He created unnecessary chaos in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
  • In a White house ceremony to honor Navajo code talkers, he spoiled the occasion by repeating his “Pocahontas” insult.

Barack Obama brought dignity to the presidency, whereas Trump has brought only disgrace. It is amazing that Congress is tolerating this.

Walter Dominguez of Los Angeles wants The Times Editorial Board to be more forceful:


The editorial board needs to stop holding back. You must urgently write a full-page piece demanding that Trump be removed as expeditiously as possible. Now.

What more do you need?

Ron Garber of Duarte expects members of Congress to say where they stand on impeachment:

Whether it’s now time to initiate impeachment proceedings or not, it’s definitely time for it to become an election issue.


Every single candidate for the House of Representatives, Democrat or Republican, should be asked their position on the issue. The answer doesn’t yet have to be yes or no, but they should all have a thoughtful response to the question.

Charles Ruebsamen declares the president mentally unfit for the job, but worries about the alternative:

Why can’t someone just speak the truth about Trump? In a bowdlerized version of an old American statement, Trump is crazy as an outhouse rat.

The only reason I hope he won’t be removed is because the alternative is Vice President Mike Pence. His anti-progressive beliefs about any recent societal advances, combined with his seemingly meek, affable persona, make him even more dangerous than Trump. The Republican Congress would get behind his antediluvian beliefs, and then what horrors would be visited on the American public?

That at least a third of the country continues to support these men almost argues for an IQ test to allow U.S. citizens into the voting booth.

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