
Readers React: A Holocaust joke? Really, John Cox?

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To the editor: So Republican gubernatorial candidate John Cox, who joked about wait times at the Department of Motor Vehicles being akin to surviving German concentration camps, is proud not to be a “silver-throated politician.”

I must say, I’m getting awfully tired of oral incompetency being held up as a positive trait when it comes to candidates running for elected office. Being able to communicate effectively and accurately with one’s constituency is a fundamental requirement for public office holders.

Would the Dodgers sign a young hitter who espouses a “refreshing” disregard for home runs and batting average? You know, all of that “statistical correctness?”


Despite the lowering of the bar in Washington, let’s not forget the basic requirements of the job of California governor.

R.C. Price, San Clemente


To the editor: Having recently endured three hours at the DMV to renew my driver’s license, and having visted as a teenager what was left of Dachau concentration camp outside Munich, Germany, I can say that sitting in a hard chair for a few hours does not come close the atrocities committed by the Nazis during World War II.


Years from now, my DMV renewal will be a forgotten memory, but Holocaust survivors will endure nightmares for the rest of their lives.

Andy Sydney, North Hills

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