
Readers React: Trump’s odd behavior is reason enough to compel disclosure of his tax returns

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin testifies during a House Financial Services Committee hearing on April 9. Mnuchin was asked about complying with a request by House Democrats to turn over six years of President Trump's tax returns.
(Zach Gibson / Getty Images)
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To the editor: George Skelton, who opposes efforts to make President Trump release his tax returns, is not wrong to say that “even a president has some right of privacy,” but he is out of touch with what’s happening in the country.

Pressed to release his tax returns, even President Nixon said: “The confidentiality of my private finances is far less important to me than the confidence of the American people in the integrity of the president.”

Trump’s integrity is under a dark cloud of suspicion. We wonder if Trump’s financial dealings influenced his easing of sanctions against Russia. The Donald J. Trump Foundation agreed to shut down amid allegation of illegal conduct. The possible nexus between Trump’s finances and his decision-making is deeply troubling.


It is essential that as with every presidential candidate since Nixon, we the people see Trump’s tax returns.

Alan Rachins, Los Angeles


To the editor: Seeing Trump’s returns is necessary to ensure conformity with the Constitution’s emoluments clause. It’s a way for us to know that the president is not enriching himself at the expense of Americans.


Trump should have nothing to fear if he has nothing to hide. But with this character, should anyone really trust him to be on the up-and-up? Literally the integrity of our nation has been put to the test with this guy, and the thumbing of his nose at us is unpresidential.

If you want a leader who doesn’t comport to shared values and ethics, move to Russia.

Mike Aguilar, Costa Mesa


To the editor: Skelton misses an important point about Trump releasing his tax returns: He said he would.The president should be a man of his word.


Marty Motia, La Cañada Flintridge

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