
Readers React: Don’t expect Trump to learn — or care to learn — much about California during his visit

President Trump boards Air Force One for a trip to California on March 13.
President Trump boards Air Force One for a trip to California on March 13.
(Mandel Ngan / AFP/Getty Images)
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To the editor: U.S. News and World Report recently rated California as having the worst quality of life in the United States. In reaction, one Fox News pundit wrote that this was due in part to the fact that Californians “are simply insufferable.”

Thanks to his admitted aversion to reading, we needn’t worry about President Trump basing his opinion of our state on the ranking.

Your editorial, “Welcome to California, Mr. President. We’ve got a few things to show you,” listed some places Trump might visit in order to get a feel for some of the issues our state faces. Most leaders would consider this a priority.


However, if we have learned anything these last 14 months, it’s that our president has no interest in basing his opinions and actions on thoughtful examination and investigation. As far as California is concerned, the only fact Trump cares about is that we “insufferables” haven’t joined his team.

Mary Franklin, Huntington Beach


To the editor: The Times suggests that Trump’s California visit includes stops in immigrant and lower-class communities so he can see the rest of our Golden State. How soon we forget!


I confess having had a great deal of schadenfreude when my relatives on the Westside were boxed in by President Obama’s frequent trips there, while his motorcade cruised from one mansion hosting an expensive fundraiser to another.

At least he got to the studios to film episodes with the various late-night hosts. Plain folks, them.

David Goodwin, Los Angeles



To the editor: Since President Trump has a well-earned 66% disapproval rating in California, most of us aren’t very welcoming of him during his brief visit to California.

Trump has bent over backward to give the benefit of the doubt to neo-Nazis and people accused of spousal abuse and sexual harassment. He has suggested that Democrats who don’t clap for him are treasonous. He honors Russia and dishonors the FBI. He looks favorably on deceit, hypocrisy, conflict of interest and nepotism. He lies.

Welcoming Trump to California is tantamount to welcoming a despot.

Bunny Landis, Oceanside


To the editor: The Times editorial board points out the wonderful and exciting things Trump might get to see and know if he were inclined to do so.

Unfortunately, one thing California shares with the rest of the country is not just an appearance of liberal media bias, but outright hostility toward conservatives.

Ron Lesovsky, Huntington Beach


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