
Readers React: Trump’s dictator envy sends shivers down the spines of Americans who remember World War II

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To the editor: Kim Jong Un, North Korea’s leader who already has a record of brutality and repression, is described by President Trump as a strong head of his country: “He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”

Those words send shivers down my spine, and I am sure down the spines of millions of my generation who witnessed the Germans having to rise with their arms outstretched to salute Adolf Hitler when he came into their presence.

Fellow Americans, we spend billions every year for national security while an open and serious threat to our democracy appears right here among us.


David N. Hartman, Santa Ana


To the editor: As proof that Trump admires dictators, the writers repeated this Trump quote: Kim “speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”

The president seemed to be joking here, but liberals seem to have lost their sense of humor lately, unless Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton tells a joke.


The media’s bias also was in full display last month when Trump referred to vicious MS-13 gang members who he is trying to deport as “animals.” The media incorrectly said that he referred to all immigrants as “animals” when he clearly was talking only about gang members and illegal immigrants who have killed Americans.

The dishonesty about Trump is sickening. It has got to stop.

David Tulanian, Las Vegas



To the editor: It appears that Trump and the Republican Party are bent on the destruction of the long-held values of our society and the inherent decency of our democracy. Thus, our nation is divided against itself in a battle for its soul.

To those citizens who say their vote doesn’t count for anything or say they are not political or are just too busy earning a living to be interested enough to find the time to vote, I say use it or lose it. If you are too disinterested in protecting your voice, you run the risk of having it taken away from you.

The midterm election this November could determine the quality of life in America for many years to come. The purveyors of chaos, who really do not represent the majority of Americans, are counting on your absence from the fray.

Jerry Weinstein, Encino

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