
Opinion: Thankful for President Trump and Bernie Sanders this Thanksgiving

President Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
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To the editor: There is nothing optimistic about Doyle McManus’ column. (“What anti-Trump Americans can be thankful for in the Trump era,” Opinion, Nov. 22)

As for Trump’s public support, Harry S Truman is considered by many to be one of the best American presidents, and his Gallup approval rating was 22% in 1952. Trump’s Rasmussen Reports rating jumped to 46% during his recent Asia trip.

If the president is not winning in terms of repealing Obamacare or, potentially, tax reform, it is because he has a bare majority in the Senate. Trump’s executive order on immigration is not a ban, it is a pause. There is no way to fully vet residents of these unstable states. With regard to special counsel Robert Mueller, some of the staff he hired to help him with his Russia investigation donated to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.


Yes, President Trump selected James Mattis (Defense secretary), Rex Tillerson (secretary of State) and H.R. McMaster (national security advisor) to serve him in the White House. These appear to be excellent choices. Trump is not a warmonger.

Finally, Trump ended up with a job he did not expect to win. Get over it, Mr. McManus: Trump won and Clinton lost.

Nathan Post, Santa Barbara



To the editor: McManus leaves out a selfless public servant who works tirelessly for all Americans: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

After losing the California primary to Clinton, he could have disappeared from public view to lick his wounds and work on a bestseller — as his opponent did after losing to Trump — but instead, he supported his opponent because, as always, he puts the public good and not personal ambition first and foremost.

Since the election he has continued to work for all of us. I am very thankful for Sanders, and I wish we had more politicians like him.


Eileen Flaxman, Claremont

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