
Letters to the Editor: Trump broadcasts his racial and COVID-19 ignorance with his Tulsa rally

West Point
President Trump salutes after speaking to more than 1,100 cadets in the Class of 2020 at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y., on June 13.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: President Trump moved the date of his first rally in more than three months, as it would be insensitive to hold a rally on Juneteenth. Scarcely mentioned in the coverage of this change is the fact it took the intercession of African American leaders to make it so.

This only highlights Trump’s racial insensitivity.

Did he or anyone in his administration not know also that the site of the rally — Tulsa, Okla. — was where a massacre took place that devastated the Black community 99 years ago? Why did Trump choose that date in the first place, and worse, choose Tulsa, which despite the intervention of African American leaders remains the site of the coming campaign rally?

He claimed in an interview on Fox News the rally is meant to be a celebration. A celebration of what, a massacre? Could he be more insensitive or worse, lacking in knowledge?


It shows an almost perverse ignorance.

Michael Solomon, Canoga Park


To the editor: There is one thing Trump can do that would convince me he isn’t a complete hypocrite since his campaign is making rally attendees in Tulsa sign a COVID-19 waiver: work a 12-hour shift at a meat processing plant without a mask.

Of course, he’d have to sign a waiver promising not to sue anyone if he caught anything.

Katrin Wiese, Rialto



To the editor: A Trump rally waiver? How about a Trump voting waiver? Here’s what I’m thinking:

“By checking the box next to Donald J. Trump, you and your fellow voters are acknowledging an inherent risk and voluntarily assuming all risks related to exposure to his administration, and agree not to hold this president liable, responsible or accountable for any of his actions.”

Judith Maertz, Anaheim
