
U.S. officials warn athletes to be inconspicuous at Sochi Olympics

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A day after Ralph Lauren unveiled the outfits U.S. athletes will wear at the opening ceremony for the 2014 Sochi Games, it has been learned that officials are warning the American team about dressing inconspicuously while in Russia.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. Olympic Committee has issued a memo suggesting that its athletes not sport their national colors outside of competition venues or the athletes’ village.

“The U.S. Department of State has advised that wearing conspicuous Team USA clothing in non-accredited areas may put your personal safety at greater risk,” says the memo, which the Journal reviewed.


Such clothing would certainly include the Ralph Lauren outfits with their patchwork cardigans decorated in red, white and blue.

The Russian government has flooded Sochi with tens of thousands of troops, police and security agents. Olympic officials have stated on numerous occasions that they expect a safe and secure Games, but some athletes have advised loved ones not to come watch them compete.

The Games are scheduled for Feb. 7-23.
