
Downloads of movies get a boost

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From the Associated Press

The organization that licenses DVD security software cleared the way Thursday for movies bought over the Internet to be burned onto a DVD that can play on any machine -- a move that could dramatically change the way movies are sold.

Industry executives hailed the decision by the DVD Copy Control Assn. to license software designed to allow content to be burned to one disc but not copied to others.

“This is great news,” said Curt Marvis, chief executive of movie download service CinemaNow. “We expect the proliferation of burners that can burn these types of discs.”


Concerns about illegal copying have led Hollywood studios to allow movies to be downloaded and viewed only on computer screens or portable devices. Cumbersome cables are needed to transfer the content to a TV set, but the files are not DVD quality and don’t look as good when enlarged.

Internet downloading wasn’t envisioned when DVDs were invented more than two decades ago. Standard DVD players are hard-wired with the keys to the digital security locks built into prerecorded DVDs.

But DVD burners on computers and writeable DVD discs don’t contain the locks.

The decision opens the way for download services such as those operated by Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Inc., CinemaNow and Blockbuster Inc. to offer download-to-burn options.
