
Family forced off Southwest Airlines flight after tweeting a complaint

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A Minneapolis family was asked to get off a Southwest Airlines flight in Colorado because of a tweet the father sent out complaining about the airline’s service before the departure from Denver International Airport.

Duff Watson told CBS News in Minnesota that he experienced poor customer service Sunday while at his gate from one of the airline staff members, so he tweeted about his displeasure, the station reported.

He tweeted “Something to the effect of, ‘Wow, rudest agent in Denver. Kimberly S, gate C39, not happy @SWA’,” he told CBS.


“Unreal exp. Awaiting resp. from airline. Asked for name of rude gate agent. We board. I tweet. Kids & I pulled off unless I delete. AYKM?” Watson tweeted. Watson has since switched his Twitter feed to private.

Southwest Airlines confirmed the family was asked to leave the plane after the confrontation and tweet, but was ultimately allowed to board the flight. But Watson was asked to delete the tweet first, and he complied, he said.

Watson told CBS that the Southwest employee said she felt threatened for her safety because of the tweet, and that is why the family was forced to deplane.


A spokesman for the airport said Watson was not deemed a security threat and that police were not called for assistance. Southwest Airlines said they are investigating the incident.

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