
Letters: More on the local versus global travel debate

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Crying foul over baseball issue

A whole Travel section (March 2) devoted to baseball is just not right. Many have no interest in sports whatsoever. There is already another whole section devoted to sports every day in the Los Angeles Times.

You have really disappointed me and many others, I’m sure.

Leslie Daniels

Palm Springs

Local vs. longer trips


The reader letter on Feb. 23 expressing great disappointment at The Times’ selection of featured locations was perplexing. She need only go back several issues to see the L.A. Times Travel section really does aim for a balanced mixture in local and not-so-local coverage.

She might benefit from Amtraking it now during the off-season. I recently went from Union Station to Albuquerque for $60 each way. A similar trip to Tucson was $45 each way. These were low-season fare specials, but the destinations were exciting and most fulfilling.

Just because you can’t visit someplace exotic today doesn’t mean in the future events couldn’t change — so keep all potential trip destinations in a file. You can successfully pull off rewarding trips even at short notice. It’s the art of travel.


Kyle Kimbrell

Playa del Rey


The reader letter asking for more local material was perfect. Day and weekend trips are very much needed.

You could fill an entire section with things to see from the commuter trains.

You had articles on local travel. We need more. Better coverage of local events would be helpful also.

I learned to read by reading the L.A. Times 55 years ago. Get it together or lose it.

John Miner

Temple City


I couldn’t more heartily disagree with the letter writer’s perspective that “we need to be informed about places we can reach with little gas, and less time.” (And I wonder if she has regularly missed the excellent local articles you publish frequently?)


Like nearly everyone, my travel “want to” list is longer than my funding. But each week the Travel section gives me the priceless gift of seeing and knowing parts of the world I’ll probably never reach. Even better is the style in which you report — not only the “where, how, etc.,” but impressions, reactions and emotions of being there.

If reading cannot move us beyond the confines of our lives, what can? In my opinion, we become better people (and more thankful and generous ones) when we develop better global perspectives.

Jean Campbell

