


In William Wilson’s patronizing and offensive review of the Frida Kahlo exhibition at Plaza de la Raza (“Frida Kahlo--Her Pain and Her Paintings,” Feb. 1), he manages to insult all those who were well aware of Kahlo 10 years ago, the gallery’s directors, the people who attended the exhibition (and those who didn’t), East Los Angeles and Diego Rivera.

He examines Kahlo first in terms of her physical appearance, and proceeds to dismiss her complex, tragic, yet enormously productive life as one that “suits the current intellectual fashion like Fred Astaire’s kid gloves.” All of this precedes any discussion of his alleged province--art.

He even presumes to have some insight as to what might amuse Kahlo! If anything, it would be the mere thought that a major metropolitan newspaper continues to consider Wilson (and Suzanne Muchnic) serious art critics.



Los Angeles
