
More Shots Are Fired in the Evolutionary War


I see where Dianne Klein is making another attempt to write about something more serious than her usual social dabblings.

Generally speaking, a public school teacher has the right to present both the “evolutionary theory” of biology and the “purposeful design,” or what Klein cynically refers to as “creationism.” Peloza also has the right to express his personal preferance, especially if asked. There is “scientific evidence” for and against both of them.

By the same token, a student has the right to express an opinion--but not the right to libel or slander someone, including a teacher. To refer to Peloza’s actions as “illegal” is jumping way past opinion and into court-decided litigation.


The Holy Bible is the most widely sold and read book in the world and has been for many years. A student, as a part of the educational process, should certainly be exposed to it if a full understanding of Western civilization is the expected goal. Quoting from, and giving away copies of the Bible is no more “illegal” than exposing students to Hitler’s “Mein Kampf,” Shakespeare, or any other significant historical or literary work. That’s what schools and libraries are for.

I hope that if Dianne Klein continues to step out into these types of more significant matters that she will use a little more logic and objectivity and not allow her articles to be so clouded with presuppositions and smug sarcasm.


Laguna Niguel
