
My Best Shot


It was 1988 and Richard Stevens of Santa Maria had a lot on his mind. He had been in Sandpoint, Ida., visiting his daughter who had been ill. One day, needing a break, he hopped in the car and headed south into Washington state in search of a scene that had been captured years before by a fellow camera club member: the rolling hills of the Palouse wheat country. He found this farm. “I keep going back,” says the retired adman, “but I’ve never been able to duplicate this picture that I got on the first try.”

* Got a great travel photo? Send a color print or slide to: “My Best Shot,” Travel Section, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053. Please include a typed description of the photo, when and where it was taken, and why you think it is interesting. Also include your name, address and telephone number and a short account of the trip on which it was taken. Photos can be returned only if a self-addressed, stamped envelope is included. Because of space limitations, we must request only one picture per reader.
