
DOWNTOWN : LAMP Grant Aids Mentally Ill Homeless

LAMP, a Skid Row organization that houses, feeds and employs the mentally ill homeless, will use a federal housing grant to hire three of its residents to conduct outreach in local parks, missions, shelters and encampments.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development recently awarded $112,080 to LAMP, allowing the organization to hire workers to encourage the mentally ill to come in off the streets to the day center at 627 San Julian St. for counseling and support services.

The center also provides an 18-bed shelter for those with more serious problems, said Mollie Lowery, executive director.


LAMP has attempted outreach on a sporadic basis but never had the staff to conduct a regular program until now, Lowery said.

Established in 1985, LAMP also operates a transitional housing project to help residents ease into living on their own, a low-rent apartment building for those who can and wish to live on their own, and four businesses--a self-service laundry, a commercial laundry, public showers and a convenience store--that employ LAMP residents. The 48-bed transitional residence and the four businesses are at LAMP Village, 527 S. Crocker St., and the 50 furnished apartments are at LAMP Lodge, 660 S. Stanford St.

LAMP serves about 500 people annually. Rents paid by the residents and revenue from the businesses account for 25% of LAMP’s funding.
