
Movie-Going Legions Stand Behind Kernel


How did local moviegoers react to Tuesday’s news that popcorn coated with coconut oil can be hazardous to your heart?

Like Rhett Butler, answered James Edwards Sr., founder of Edwards Theatres Circuit Inc., Orange County’s largest movie chain. Several of his patrons, Edwards said, assumed Butler’s cavalier attitude of “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”

Indeed, Edwards reported that despite the new study ranking coconut oil high in artery-clogging saturated fat, popcorn sales were up at his theaters on Tuesday.

Pop that.


Nonetheless, Edwards said, his theaters will begin using lower-fat corn oil on their popcorn by next Thursday.

But he said he’ll continue the practice if, and only if, customers like the taste.

Eleven heart-disease authorities have joined the Center for Science in the Public Interest, which conducted the study, in urging theater owners to make a jiffy switch to healthier air-popped corn. Forget it, Edwards said.

“It has a taste somewhat like delicious Styrofoam.”
