
Santa Clarita / Antelope Valley : CLAS Dissenter Spry Leaves School Board


A member of the embattled Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District unexpectedly resigned Thursday night, citing health concerns.

Board member Peg Spry said in a letter to the board, “The events of the past few weeks and months have been trying for us all who care about and for the children of our community.

“These events have caused me much agony. The stress and distress caused by actions of the board and of some selfish self-seeking community persons has been so great that my health is in jeopardy. My family has been affected as well.”


She continued, “I will no longer subject myself and my family to such anguish.”

A teacher for more than three decades, Spry cast the sole dissenting vote when the board decided in late April not to administer the controversial California Learning Assessment System test.

Spry’s departure is not the only change the board may face. Two members of the board, Laurie Browning and Joyce Field, were recently notified that a recall drive has been initiated against them.

Spry, 61, has been on the board since January, when she was appointed to fill a vacancy left by the resignation of Brian Sherwood. She said it was difficult to make the decision to resign but that she will continue to be involved in local education issues.

“It just got to be more than I felt I could handle,” she said Friday.

Supt. Tom Brown said the board has not yet decided how it will fill Spry’s position.
