
BREA : Mid-Street Loitering Banned as Hazardous

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It will soon be illegal for panhandlers, vendors and other people to loiter on street medians in the city. But police will not be issuing citations right away, Police Chief James E. Oman said Wednesday.

Instead, officers will distribute leaflets explaining the new law in hope that violators will be persuaded to get out of the street. If they don’t, a $100 fine can be imposed for the first violation. A second offense within a year is punishable by a $200 fine, and a $500 fine could be levied for the third and subsequent violations.

The new law received final approval on a 4-0 vote by the City Council on Tuesday and goes into effect 30 days later. Councilwoman Kathryn E. Wiser was absent when the vote was taken.


City Manager Frank Benest said the measure was drafted in response to a “proliferation of vendors and panhandlers” occupying center medians and creating safety hazards for pedestrians and motorists.
