
Format Matters


In the raging war over the new format of the Food section, my vote is for the new layouts. When the recipes were printed in the single-column format I was forever losing the second half, not being compulsive enough--or more accurately--not organized enough to cut and paste on any sized card! After I try a recipe, if I like it, I put it into a folder. You all do a wonderful job with the Food section--I travel lots and read newspapers all over the country, and the L.A. Times Food section is the best ! Keep up the good work.

--MADGE SCHAEFER, via TimesLink

I think your new look for the Food section is great. Much more readable and useful.

Your “Stuff” section needs work. Today you had a Rainbow Roller, Art Deco spoons and forks and the Clapper. These things are “decorating” items, not cooking items.

One last thought. Enjoyed the article by M. Huneven regarding potatoes Anna (“The Potato Challenge; April 27). Her clarifying butter exhausted both her and me. Tell her there is an easier way. Professional cooks (I am not one) clarify butter by boiling it for a while. This is much easier. The technique can be found in most professional cookbooks (CIA, CCA, etc). Keep up the good work.

--CHARLIE MCNULTY, (AQLQ13A) via TimesLink
