
City May Close Fire Department to Fix Deficit

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Montebello officials are considering dissolving the city’s 74-year-old fire department in an effort to cover a $3-million budget deficit.

A budget advisory group recently suggested a report on the cost and benefits of contracting fire protection services from Los Angeles County, an option many of the city’s own firefighters have supported.

The City Council decided against requesting such a report in January, in the hopes that the department could survive this year’s cuts.


At that time it was still considering merging the department with fire departments in Downey and Commerce. That may no longer be viable, however, since Commerce is also considering switching to county fire protection.

City Administrator Richard Torres estimates that moving to county fire protection could save the city as much as $2 million.

He said eliminating the fire department is preferable to reducing the city’s $11-million police force.


Dan France, president of the Montebello Firefighters Assn., said he also supports the switch, in part because the county would probably absorb department personnel.
