
Stacking Up Sales


Total album and single sales of CDs and cassettes for the week ended Feb. 23, compared with week-ago and year-ago levels, in millions of units sold: Albums

Latest week: 11.1

1 week ago: 12.6

Year ago: 10.5 Singles

Latest week: 2.4

1 week ago: 2.4

Year ago: 2.0

Atop the Charts

Weekly and year-to-date record company market share as of Feb. 23, based on current albums sold. This is an indicator of music company performance. Figures do not include catalog sales.

Market Share


This Year to Top-selling Distributor week date album Artist UNI 19.3% 15.3% Secret Samadhi Live WEA 16.7 18.3 Unchained Melody LeAnn Rimes EMD 13.1 12.1 Spice Spice Girls BMG 12.2 13.4 Secrets Toni Braxton PolyGram 10.9 11.2 Dru Hill Dru Hill Sony 10.6 11.6 Falling Into You Celine Dion Independents 17.2 18.1



Source: SoundScan
