
With The Rapture (TMC Tuesday at 9...


With The Rapture (TMC Tuesday at 9 p.m.), Michael Tolkin, in his 1991 feature directorial debut, has made an unsettling film of theological ideas intent on looking into what we believe and why we believe it. The movie is determined, even eager, to explore the most basic issues of heaven, hell and the hereafter. Improbable as it sounds, Tolkin has blended the question of whether God or chaos rules our universe into the format of a sensual thriller. Mimi Rogers turns in an astonishingly stunning performance as a woman stuck in a dull day job who turns swinger at night.

To Kill a Mockingbird (ABC Thursday at 8 p.m.) offers a vision of Deep South injustice and prejudice--and the lonely man of courage who defies them--filtered through young reminiscences; it is movie that has the compact purity of fable. Directed by Robert Mulligan, written by Horton Foote, based on Harper Lee’s novel. With Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Brock Peters and Robert Duvall.

Thirty-Two Short Films About Glenn Gould (KCET Thursday at 11 p.m.) Everything that is distinctive and irresistible about this 1993 film comes through right from the start. A consummate musician who shocked the concert world by abandoning performance for recordings when he was only 32, the late Gould was too original a figure to fit into a conventional film bio. And Canadian director Francois Girard, who co-wrote the screenplay with Don McKellar, has not attempted to give him one. Instead, they’ve assembled a portrait of Gould as if it were a mosaic, combining unrelated facets of his life, personality and career.


The Mighty Ducks (NBC Friday at 8 p.m.), starring Emilio Estevez as a hotshot Minneapolis attorney who regains his values coaching a peewee ice hockey team, was a big 1992 hit. But D2: The Mighty Ducks (NBC Saturday at 8 p.m.), the 1994 sequel,isn’t nearly as mighty as the original. The Mighty Ducks cleverly managed to have it both ways: a movie that suggests winning isn’t everything but for sure lets its underdogs come out on top. D3: The Mighty Ducks (Disney Saturday at 8:30 p.m.) is a case of further diminishing returns as the filmmakers packing the Ducks off to prep school.

Casablanca (KCET Saturday at 9 p.m.) is everyone’s favorite Hollywood intrigue-adventure-romance, set in an exotic, cynical, idealistic clime that might be called “Warner Bros. Internationale”--with a cast that cannot be topped headed by Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman and Paul Henreid. Michael Curtiz directed it, Julius & Philip Epstein and Howard Koch wrote it--and Dooley Wilson plays it ... again.
