
Social Security


Regarding means testing on Social Security (“Stocks Called a Risky Fix for Social Security, April 22), what do they think is happening now? We are paying tax on 85% of our Social Security! When we retired, this type of future assessment wasn’t even hinted at. That confiscatory tax is the equivalent of losing $430 a month if you are in the federal and state maximum tax bracket. Doesn’t it make sense that this tax money should revert back to Social Security instead of the miscellaneous fund to be used at the discretion of the federal government? Maybe then it wouldn’t go broke.

We’re on Medicare, which everybody thinks is a free ride. Our insurance premiums are roughly $440 a month (pretax money). Maximum payment for prescription drugs is $500 per year. Unfortunately our prescription drugs run close to $3,600 a year. We are spending $8,880 a year out of pocket for this so-called free ride!


Studio City
