
Responsible Dog Ownership


I feel the need to respond to a letter about pit bulldogs that appeared in The Times on Nov. 15.

This letter offered that pit bulls are naturally a problem breed. The writers believe these dogs should be banned from the county. They stated, “One hears that it is bad owners who train these dogs to attack other dogs and people, but it seems to us that these dogs are unstable even when trained by responsible owners.”

Responsible owners are not necessarily imbued with any more knowledge or ability than irresponsible owners. The truly responsible owner seeks the help and advice of an experienced trainer.


There are few puppies born with a natural proclivity to viciousness. True, pit bulls were genetically bred to fight other dogs, but that does not mean the tendencies cannot be controlled. It is unfortunate that the dog pays the ultimate price for the rotten slobs who still choose to promote and engage in this cruel “sport.”

Based on years of observation, I believe many breeds do not make good family pets--Rottweilers, German shepherds, Australian shepherds and cute li’l Jack Russell terriers, to name a few. These breeds are not for inexperienced or novice dog owners. I find more dogs with “people” problems than the other way around and am kept busy enough by people in trouble with “good” breeds.

