
A Patchwork Plan Has City on Road to a Pothole Fix

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The experts have been out to write formal reports about what motorists have noticed for months--heavy winter rains left its mark in potholes.

But public works officials have a plan to patch the roadways until there is money for major repaving projects.

The city hired a company in May to inspect city streets, then rank them in order of damage. That report is expected to be completed by August, Public Works Director Robert F. Beardsley said.


This week, Beardsley laid out a two-pronged plan to make streets more drivable.

First, a part-time, temporary crew would spend nearly four months patching potholes--about 20 to 30 per day.

Later, the city would hire a company to take on jobs that are beyond the abilities of a small crew. These larger crews, under the city’s supervision, would handle traffic and heavy machinery.

Together, the two phases would cost $200,000, according to the plan. The program, and its funding, will be discussed as part of the 1998-99 budget at the City Council’s Aug. 3 meeting, city officials said.
